The DDHS Alumni Scholarship Program was founded in 2021 by the Class of 1981 to commemorate our 40-year class reunion. We believe there is no time like the present to give back to the community that gave so much to us. We founded the program to establish a fund that provides financial assistance to graduating DDHS seniors enrolled in accredited postsecondary educational programs, including 4-year and 2-year trade or vocational schools. The Delavan-Darien School District Foundation has set up the fund and will manage it from year to year.
In 2021 we were proud to award a $500.00 scholarship to DDHS Senior John Moses. All other donations raised, were placed in the Alumni Fund to ensure the programs viability. The long-term goal is to award multiple scholarships annually, supported through fundraising efforts and donations provided by alumni celebrating class reunions each year. We will continue to support and promote the program while passing the torch to the next group celebrating in 2022 and beyond.
Our mission of building a strong foundation that supports our vision of a sustainable Alumni Scholarship Program is well under way. Giving back helps support the next generation of students and inspires hometown pride in the community.